Saturday, January 1, 2011

Know Your Deity: Wee Jas, The Basics

Titles: The Witch Goddess, The Ruby Sorceress, The Stern Lady, Death's Guardian
Home Plane: Acheron
Symbol: A red skull in front of a fireball
Portfolio: Death, Magic, Vanity, Law
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (some lawful evil tendencies)
Domains: Death, Magic, Law, Domination*, Mind*
(*From Complete Divine)
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Note: Neutral clerics of Wee Jas may not choose to spontaneously channel positive energy.

Wee Jas is a demanding deity who expects obedience from her followers. Clerical training is done in an academic fashion, with classroom instruction punctuated by increasingly difficult examinations. Her temples are typically built in or near graveyards or crypts. Few and far between, they are typically built much like wizard towers, with extensive libraries filled with arcane and legal knowledge and decorated with beautiful art. They also contain crypts where powerful wizards are buried. Many powerful sorcerers and wizards (especially necromancers) count among her followers. She respects Boccob, though the two do not have any sort of alliance.

She thinks of herself as the steward of the dead and it is said that the souls of those who don't worship any single deity go to Wee Jas by default when they die. Though a relatively benign death goddess, Wee Jas does not have any qualms about raising undead, so long as they are not being reanimated against their will and that their remains were procured lawfully. Wee Jas is unconcerned with questions of morality; if it can be done within the confines of the law, it's permitted.

Wee Jas appears as a highly attractive human female, though specific details vary widely. It is suggested that she alters her appearance to fit what her followers in a given area consider most attractive. Wee Jas wears her holy symbol as a piece of jewelry.

Dogma(copied from Deities & Demigods)
Wee Jas promotes using spells and magic items (though many of her followers insist she favors the creation of such things). Wee Jas tells her followers that magic is the key to all things. Wee Jas promises that understanding, personal power, security, order, and control over fate come with the study of magic. She admonishes her followers to respect those who came before, because they left their knowledge and died to make room for them. She reminds them that death is inevitable, but she promises that their learning and memory will be honored by those who come after.

Wee Jas' priesthood has a strict hierarchy. Her clerics are known for their discipline and obedience to their superiors. Clerics of Wee Jas arbitrate disputes, give advice on magic, investigate magical curiosities, create magic items and administer funerals. Her clergy wear black and/or gray robes.

Clerics of Wee Jas may be of any lawful alignment; however, lawful good clerics of Wee Jas are exceedingly rare (you'd almost have an easier time finding an efreet city in the elemental plane of water). Wee Jas has very few priests from the other divine classes; her views on death are not condusive to paladinhood or druidism and favored souls are too "flashy" and undisciplined for her strict priesthood.

Planar Allies
Typically, Wee Jas sends Formian Taskmasters, Formian Myrmarchs, and Horned Devils as lesser, regular and greater planar allies respectively.

Pathfinder Conversion
Wee Jas has access to the Death, Knowledge, Law, Magic and Repose domains.

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